Delivery Practices at a Health Care Provider in the City of Bogota
humanized delivery, clinical practices, medicalization, communication, gender and health, health care providerAbstract
Objectives: To analyze the practices of healthcare personnel during deliveries at a healthcare provider institution in the city of Bogota from two perspectives: gender and humanization of the delivery. Taking into account that in Colombia there has been an integral implementation, since 2016, of a comprehensive route to provide maternal perinatal Health Care as a part of a new healthcare model proposed by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection. Methodology: Qualitative, descriptive and interpretive study conducted between June and August 2017; it included non-participative observation in delivery rooms and semi-structured interviews of women whose delivery had been observed, and the healthcare Personnel that attended them. Field journals and interviews were coded. Content analysis was conducted and the information was triangulated. Results: Delivery care is based on medicalized care, which subordinates women and coincides with a routine job, including a lack of communication between women and the healthcare personnel. The research showed aspects that violate women's rights during labor and delivery, which are legitimized by healthcare personnel and justified by women themselves. Conclusions: This study is a contribution to Public Health, for it evidences a phenomenon normalized in medical practice, which deserves an intervention from the perspective of humanizing Health Care Services.
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