Social Representations of the Fight for the Right to Health in Chile
right to health, social representations, collective health, ChileAbstract
Objective: This article explores the representations that some social actors participating in collective actions for health in Santiago de Chile have with respect to the fight for the right to health. Methodology: The phenomenon is explored from a post-positivist paradigm with a qualitative approach. The information was gathered from nine focused interviews and their analysis was based on grounded theory. Results: The fight for the right to health refers to the defense of life in a holistic way, understanding it as an effort towards the transformation of society through the collective construction of a new economic-political model. Conclusion: This approach shows that social actors that are part of collective actions do not form a structured or cohesive movement. Also, fights for the right to health constitute an emerging phenomenon that may be seen as part of a repolitization of the Chilean society, in which representations of the fights for the right to health in the investigated actors would be of an emancipatory in nature, based on their counter-hegemonic profile.
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