Access to Health Services for People with Disabilities: The Case of a Foundation in Nariño-Colombia-2017
accessibility to health services, disability, rehabilitation, rehabilitation centers, health services, Nariño (Colombia)Abstract
Objective: To describe the conditions of access to the health services of people with disabilities of a Foundation of the municipality of Cumbal, Nariño in 2017. Methodology: cross-sectional descriptive study in which a structured survey was applied to all those enrolled in the Foundation 34 people with disabilities, or relatives and guardians. Results: in spite of the fact that all the people under study had affiliation to the health system through the subsidized health regime, the long waiting times for the appointment assignment, the distance from the residence to the place of care, the lack of money and excessive administrative procedures are considered as the main limitations to access the health services of this population. Access to rehabilitation services is quite restricted for them, thus generating greater limitations for their general well-being. Conclusions: given the limited offer of health services in the municipality of Cumbal, the study shows that for people with disabilities of the Foundation there are multiple barriers of social, economic and geographical type to access the health services necessary for the well-being of these people. The main access limitations are in the rehabilitation services.
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