Public Health, University and Power. The University that We Want
public health, higher education, power, neoliberalism, science, social medicine, critical epidemiologyAbstract
In line with the proposals made by Hector Abad Gomez, in this text, the authors question the role of higher education of our times, contributing elements to transcend from a domesticated functionalist public health. In here, we call for a university as a space of social self-awareness, in which intercultural thinking could be possible, constructed working close together with communities, and which may be able to produce a radical critique of a voracious market society. It draws the attention on the social determination of science and the critical moment that public health is currently facing, subordinated to a biomedical drug model and a predominant thinking of branches. To transcend from a hegemonic public health and construct a decolonized university obligates rethinking the way to construct the object of “Healthcare” and the way to think about it; it implies the development of a radical critical thought regarding the commodification of life, and the recovery of our own knowledge and wisdom. This is the challenge of collective Latin American Healthcare in the 21st century.
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