Criterion Validation of a Low-cost Tool for Detecting Childhood Hearing Loss in Colombia
hearing loss, mass screening, audiometry, validity of tests, reproducibility of resultsAbstract
Objective: Establish the validity criterion of tool used to detect the hearing loss in colombian children's. Method: 160 childrens, between 5 to 10 years old, participated in this study. rating their hearing capacity with 2 tests: “the low cost detection tool to identify and classify the hearing loss”, designed in Brazil and the tonal audiometry as a gold test. The sensibility and specificity of the tool and the estimation of the concordance between the two tests was determined using the Kappa index. The results were analyzed with the statistical package SPSS - 19 and Epidat 3.1. Results: the "low cost detection tool to identify and classify the hearing loss" presented a sensitivity of 35 %, specificity of 25 %, a positive predictive value of 12 %, negative predictive value of 56 % and a Kappa Index = - 0.24. Conclusion: the auditory screening test "low cost detection tool to identify and classify the hearing loss" presents little capacity to correctly classify the patient as real sick and healthy as true healthy; In addition, the poor concordance between the two tests, does not allow classifying it as valid tool for the identification and classification of hearing loss in Colombian children. The prevalence of hearing loss found was 23.1 %
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