Social Support and Family Typology in Women Diagnosed with HIV
social support, perception, HIV, women, family characteristicsAbstract
Objectives: to determine the relationship between social support and family typology according to coexistence in women who live with Human Immunodeficiency Virus/ Acquired Immunodeficiency syndrome users of an Institution Provider of Health Services in Cartagena. Methods: analytical cross-sectional study with a population of women with Human Immunodeficiency Virus/ Acquired Immunodeficiency syndrome users of an Institution Provider of Health Services in Cartagena, Colombia between May and June 2018. The sample was of 100 participants selected through simple aleatory sampling. As a technique of data gathering were used, Medical Outcomes Study – Social Support Survey for the evaluation of perceived social support, the sociodemographic record for social characterization and the National Demographic and Health Survey for the family typology according to coexistence. Results: The average age of the women were 40 years. The family typology had an almost homogeneous distribution, between 27% the incomplete nuclear extensive, 22% the complete nuclear and with 23% the incomplete nuclear one; the global index of social support, 83% of the participants perceived maximum social support. The overall index of social support against family types gave a maximum score, that is, between 74.5 and 101.2. The relationship between social support and family typology according to coexistence did not show a significant difference with 0,087. Conclusions: the results of this study indicate that women with hiv perceive a good social support in relation to family typology.
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