Perception of Health by Older Adults who Perform Physical Activity in a Public Park in Cali, Colombia




physical activity, elderly, health promotion, Colombia, health of specific groups


Objective: To understand the perception of health by older adults who perform physical activity in a public park in Cali, Colombia. Methodology: A qualitative case study was carried out with a phenomenological approach. The study group was made up of seven adults who perform physical activity in the park, selected by convenience and purposeful sampling. The technique used was the in-depth interview. Results: It was found that the perception that older adults have about health is positive and is related to independence, autonomy, being able to fend for themselves, feeling useful, and interacting with other people. Conclusion: Physical activity is used by the elderly to maintain health and as a pretext to interact with their peers, use their free time, and undertake tasks in favor of their community.

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Author Biographies

Lizardo Saavedra Conde, University of the Valley

Master in Public Health. University of the Valley. Cali. Colombia.

Cecilia Andrea Ordóñez Hernández, University of the Valley

PhD in Occupational Health Sciences. University of the Valley. Cali. Colombia.

Luis Carlos Granja Escobar, University of Santiago de Cali

PhD in Education. University of Santiago de Cali. Cali. Colombia.

Jessica Castro Hernández, University of the Valley

Physiotherapist. University of the Valley. Cali. Colombia.


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How to Cite

Saavedra Conde L, Ordóñez Hernández CA, Granja Escobar LC, Castro Hernández J. Perception of Health by Older Adults who Perform Physical Activity in a Public Park in Cali, Colombia. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2021 Jul. 14 [cited 2025 Jan. 31];39(3):e341345. Available from:



Salud de los adultos
