Conceptualization and uses of ethnicity and race variables in health analysis for the Afro-Colombian population
Afro-descendant, black communities, ethnicity, race, healthAbstract
Objective: The objective of the study was to analyze the conceptualization and use (from the health sector) of the ethnicity and race variables for this population in Colombia.
Methodology: This is a qualitative-type study. The corpus consisted of the section "2.3. Intercultural strategic framework with black, Afro-Colombian, Raizal and Palenquera communities" from chapter 8 of the Colombian Ten-Year Public Health Plan 2022-2031 and a text in a medical journal. Points of view and arguments were analyzed from the selected documents.
Results: The study found that, for the Afro population in the health sector, there are at least four uses and conceptualizations of their ethnicity and race: one considers this as a social determinant, another as a biological gradient, while the other two may be complementary, when considering the third, the Afro ethnic group as a political, legal fact, which favors a differential approach in health; and the last one, as a culture with African ancestral traces
Conclusion: As soon as the ethnicity and race of Afro-descendants is considered as a biological gradient, individual and biological interventions will be strengthened. If, on the contrary, a social determinant is assumed, the focus will be placed on aspects that improve their quality of life, the affirmation of their ancestry in health or the political fact. In addition, without acknowledging the historical and current conditions of exclusion of this population, it will not be possible to understand and influence their health situation.
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