Cluster analysis of childhood cancer and its relationship with proximity to sources of industrial pollution in the Valle de Aburrá Metropolitan Area, 2000-2015
cluster analysis, Valle de Aburrá Metropolitan Area (Antioquia, Colombia), childhood cancer, industrial pollution, tumors, pediatricAbstract
Objective: This study evaluated the effect of proximity to industrial sources of air pollution on the appearance of clusters of childhood cancer cases in the Valle de Aburrá Metropolitan Area, in the department of Antioquia, during the period 2000-2015.
Methodology: The information on cases of childhood cancer in children under 15 years of age residing in the metropolitan area was obtained from the Antioquia Population Cancer Registry for that period. 32 industrial conglomerates were identified, based on the inventory of the local environmental authority. Local and focused Kulldorf circular scan tests were performed to detect clusters of childhood cancer in municipalities and around industrial clusters, respectively. A multivariate regression model adjusted for socioeconomic status was used to assess the effect of spatial variables.
Results: The specific incidence rate in Valle de Aburrá for the evaluated period was 117.13 cases per million children under 15 years of age. The highest incidence rates occurred in the municipalities of Medellín and Sabaneta. The Kulldorf test identified 12 spatial and 8 space-time clusters with statistical significance in 7 of the municipalities, particularly in Bello and Medellín. The focused tests identified clusters of around 20 industrial clusters. In the multivariate models, a cluster in Bello showed a statistically significant and inverse association between the incidence and the distance to the cluster with southeast directionality.
Conclusion: Some spatio-temporal clusters of childhood cancer in the Valle de Aburrá Metropolitan Area between 2000 and 2015 are related to proximity to industrial sources of air pollution
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