Factors associated with nutritional status in a group of breastfeeding women in Antioquia, Colombia
nutritional status, breastfeeding, maternal nutrition, nursing period, postpartum periodAbstract
Objective: To assess the factors associated with the nutritional status of a group of breastfeeding women in the department of Antioquia.
Methodology: Analytical cross-sectional study using secondary sources, with data from 102 nursing mothers living in Antioquia based on a 2019 survey. We used a multivariate Poisson regression model to adjust the prevalence ratio with overweight and anemia, along with multiple correspondence analysis to evaluate the factors associated with the nutritional status of the breastfeeding women.
Results: There was a positive association with age group, excessive postpartum weight retention, and socioeconomic status. The women represented three clusters in the multiple correspondence analysis: better socioeconomic and nutritional conditions; greater socioeconomic vulnerability and micronutrient malnutrition; and socioeconomic vulnerability and overweight.
Conclusions: Women undertake breastfeeding amid social and economic vulnerability, food insecurity, overweight, anemia, and the risk of micronutrient deficiencies. It is necessary to document the nutritional status of breastfeeding women by including them in population surveys and, accordingly, by developing guidelines for care during this stage.
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