Literature review on dating violence among young people in Colombia and Latin America, 2016-2020
Latin America, Colombia, gender violence, intimate partner violence, dating violenceAbstract
Objective: To review the studies on dating violence (dv) of young people, developed in Colombia and Latin America (2016-2020), to account for their methodological characteristics and main findings.
Method: The search for articles on vn was carried out in seven databases and those had to meet the following inclusion criteria: 1) sample of young people, 2) study carried out in Colombia or in another Latin American country, and 3) published between 2016 and 2020. Studies are classified taking into account their methodology.
Results: 38 articles were included, of which 23 met the analysis criteria: 13 from Colombia, 4 from Mexico, 4 from Brazil, 2 from Chile, and 1 from Argentina. Only 3 of 23 articles used mixed methodology, two in Brazil and one in Colombia; the rest used quantitative methodology. It describes how vn has been conceptualized and studies are classified into epidemiological findings, instrumental studies, and studies on young people's beliefs about vn, classification given by the objective of the research.
Conclusions: Knowing how vn is conceptualized and the prevalence of vn in young people to understand it in the Latin American context is essential to prevent this problem. The findings presented in this article can serve as an input for social institutions and organizations to understand dating violence and generate tools for its prevention.
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