Repercussions of the Bolsa Família Program on food and nutrition security in families in Paraíba State, Brazil, 2017-2018
Food and nutrition security, Anthropometry, Nutritional status, Child, Social vulnerabilityAbstract
Objective: To analyze the repercussions of the Bolsa Família Program on food and nutrition security in families in Paraíba State, Brazil.
Methods: Cross-sectional study developed in Brazilian priority municipalities for preventing childhood obesity. A questionnaire focused on changes in the family’s diet with the help received by the Bolsa Família Program was used, verifying its relation with the food security and with the anthropometric indices of Height/Age, Weight/Age and Weight/Height of the children. Food security was measured with the Brazilian Food Insecurity Scale, considering the moderate and severe levels at risk. The chi-square test and odds ratio were used to determine the relationship between variables.
Results: Of the 586 families, 30.2% were with moderate/severe food insecurity. Of the children, 7.0% were stunting, 7.2% high Weight/Age and 13.7% high Weight/Height. Food as the main consumption item acquired with the financial resources of the Bolsa Família Program was mentioned in 87.2% of cases. Improvements in the amount and variety of food were reported by 83.6% and 77.5% of the families, respectively. Food security was associated with an improvement in the quantity of meat, chicken and fish; while Weight/Height was associated with an improvement in the variety of food.
Conclusion: Improvements in food with the financial resources of the Bolsa Família Program positively reflected on the food security and on the children’s weight.
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