Community participation in health: systematization of the experiences of the Moravia Health Roundtable, Medellín 2017-2021
right to health, qualitative research, public health, community participation, systematization of experiences, sociocultural territoryAbstract
Objective: To communicate the results of the systematization carried out between 2017 and 2021 around the experiences of community participation of the Mesa en Salud de Moravia, a community organization in the city of Medellín.
Method: A systematization of community experiences was carried out, a qualitative research modality, under the historical-hermeneutic paradigm, carried out in Medellín with men and women from the Health Roundtable, neighborhood collaborators and external allies, based on 2 group interviews, 28 individual interviews, observation, documentary review and a results validation workshop.
Results: The contexts and achievements of the historical development of the Moravian Health Board are described, identifying the main lines of action and work fronts, the network of institutions and the public and private organizations with which they have built their social practice. Likewise, the motivations and demotivations regarding participation in the Roundtable and the reflections of criticism and self-criticism regarding the context, the role of the State, community dynamics, leadership and transformation alternatives based on the resignification of the community are presented. Lived experience.
Conclusions: The Moravian Health Table constitutes an experience of social participation in health from subalternity. Its dynamics account for community, social and sectoral contextual changes. Their struggles have claimed, along with other actors, the possibility of dignifying life and inhabiting a highly complex territory in the city. The vision of the right to health, as the right to care and decent living conditions, is the platform from which the Board projects its vision of citizenship, community, participation and state responsibility.
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