Characteristics and barriers to care for people with and without social security undergoing renal replacement therapy in Mexico City
barriers to care, chronic kidney disease, social security, renal replacement therapyAbstract
Objective: To describe the characteristics of people with chronic kidney disease on renal replacement therapy (dialysis or hemodialysis), with and without social security, as well as the barriers to care they experienced. Metodología: Data were collected between June 2019 and February 2020, in three tertiary care hospitals in Mexico City. A total of 163 people on renal replacement therapy were surveyed. Frequencies and percentages were used to report the results.
Results: Slightly more than half of the people had no social security and the median age was 56 years. In 40.0% of the cases, the diagnosis of chronic kidney disease was made by a family physician or general practitioner. The most common renal replacement therapy among the population without social security was intermittent hemodialysis (72.6%), while for those with social security it was continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (72.2%). 31.0% of people without social security did not receive the recommended renal replacement therapy sessions. Conclusions: People faced barriers to chronic kidney disease care regardless of their social security status; however, the barriers were more accentuated for people without social security. Moreover, people without social security had access to worse therapeutic regimens, as they frequently received suboptimal treatment.
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