Quality of health care with a gender focus in MujerESalud, the comprehensive health care strategy in Bogotá
comprehensive health care, quality of health care, gender focus, women's health, Comprehensive Health Care ServicesAbstract
Objective: To identify the perceptions that health personnel and women users have about the quality of health care with a gender focus in the “Comprehensive Health Care Services” (MujerESalud) strategy, implemented by the District Health Secretariat of Bogotá in 2023, to provide comprehensive health care to women in the city, within the framework of the initiatives, policies and programs derived from the District Development Plan 2020-2024 “A new social and environmental contract for Bogotá in the 21st century”.
Methods: A qualitative study was carried out, with a phenomenological design, descriptive and narrative scope. 44 people were interviewed, including managers, health personnel and users of nine care centers in Bogotá where the strategy was implemented.
Results: The experience was positive for the women users, as well as for the staff linked to the strategy. However, some opportunities for improvement and barriers that must be eliminated to guarantee better quality and access to health services for women in the capital were also identified.
Conclusion: The MujerESalud strategy managed to improve the quality of care with a gender focus among the beneficiaries, by assigning appointments for general medicine and nursing in less than three days and training health personnel in care with a gender focus. It also managed to articulate with the service offering of the Manzanas del Cuidado. However, future experiences require expanding the service offering, to achieve comprehensive, timely and decisive health care for women.
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