
  • Jorge Forcadas Universidad Nacional


Etymologically, Ergonomics comes from the Greek words Ergo (work) and Gnomos (knowledge), i.e. it tries to identify the studies carried out on work. It is a neologism created by the English psychologist K.F. Murrel, in 1949, to distinguish an area of knowledge generated in the 1930s at the Max Plank Institute in Leipzig and which initially referred to the philosophy of work, but which by 1949 had already transcended this framework to cover a number of facets that merited a conceptual expansion with respect to what had initially been contemplated.
It is always difficult to try to give a definition, necessarily brief, of a discipline of human knowledge. However, for Ergonomics there is a definition, universally accepted and recently ratified at the 5th World Congress of Ergonomics, held in Wageningen, The Netherlands, in May 1979, such definition reads:
“Ergonomics is a science that studies and optimizes man-machine systems, seeking the adaptation of the machine to man, preserving the latter in his health and dignity and, given these assumptions, seeking maximum joint efficiency.”
It is worth noting the inevitable density of ideas contained in so few words. It is relevant to emphasize the following concepts:

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Author Biography

Jorge Forcadas, Universidad Nacional

Industrial engineer. Director of Planning Office, Universidad Nacional, Antioquia.


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How to Cite

Forcadas J. ERGONOMIA Y SU INCIDENCIA EN LA PREVENCIÓN DE ACCIDENTES. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2024 Dec. 3 [cited 2025 Feb. 8];7((1-2). Available from:


