The health problems that occur in workers do not always depend on them, but are directly related to the risks present in the work environment and the ways in which productive activity is carried out.
Within the capitalist mode of production in which we work, there are inequalities between sectors, economic activities and social classes that have direct repercussions on the living and working conditions of the economically active population and therefore on the wear and tear of the labor force in general and on their health in particular.
Toxicology is etymologically defined as the study and investigation of poisons. We speak of poisons when referring to substances that, when brought into contact with the organism by any means and by chemical and physical-chemical effects, produce functional or organic alterations that are incompatible with health.
Within general toxicology, the study of specific risks in the workplace is becoming increasingly important.
It is the task of industrial toxicology to study and analyze the behavior of chemical and physical hazards in exposed workers as well as the forms of work in which they work.
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