
  • Jorge Rojas Universidad de Antiqouia


In the presence of young patients in the Otorhinolaryngology office, consulting for progressive deafness, with the only background of working in factories with intense noise, the concern arises about the magnitude of a problem that has no apparent solution, which encompasses a large population of compatriots (despite this being an industrializing country) who do not have the opportunity to choose a type of work or the right to renounce a danger abandoned to their own, who can not undergo any treatment to recover their hearing.

Faced with this situation, it is not possible to “play deaf” but it is imperative for the physician to look for an alternative that will favor the individual exposed to this toxic substance without condemning him to begging.
To this end, the first thing to do is to know the situation, investigate the environment, measure the causes, detect the damage early, and propose possible solutions.
This is the philosophy of the work that I have advanced, which I present with the certainty of fostering concern in you, to create multipliers for the benefit of the community.
The cause is called noise, the injury: acoustic trauma, the subject attacked: thousands of workers in our cities.
Let us enter, then, in the problem, let us know first which is the “target” organ, how it works when the environment is favorable to it.

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Author Biography

Jorge Rojas, Universidad de Antiqouia




How to Cite

Rojas J. EL TRAUMA ACUSTICO. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2024 Dec. 3 [cited 2025 Feb. 8];7((1-2). Available from: https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/fnsp/article/view/359109


