According to the report of a scientific group of the W.H.O., Congenital Malformation is defined as “One or other of the many macroscopic anomalies, which may occur in the newborn, even if they are not immediately observable after birth”. (26).
Congenital malformations constitute one of the most difficult problems currently faced by medical science, not only because of their high incidence, which seems to be constantly increasing, but also because of their etiology, apparently as multicausal as it is not very clear, and because of the very serious physical, psychological and social consequences they entail.
In spite of the great development it has undergone and despite the extraordinary achievements of medical research in many fields, relatively little progress has been made in the field of Congenital Malformations. However, studies on this subject have been proliferating all over the world and little by little light is being shed on the factors that condition its presentation, thus allowing the implementation of some prophylaxis measures. Thus, in some studies carried out in different places, it has been possible to determine its incidence and identify some of its risk factors.
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