Disaster has been defined as an ecological disturbance that exceeds the adjustment capacity of the affected community (1).
The W.H.O. defines it as “a situation involving serious and immediate unforeseen threats to public health.
The Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society (C.C.M.S.) has defined disaster as an act of nature or man whose threat is of sufficient severity and magnitude to warrant emergency assistance. (2).
In any case, whatever the definition of a disaster may be, the fact is that it is a sudden or foreseen situation that exceeds expectations and that, due to its magnitude, requires the mobilization of the personnel of the affected area, of the country to which the area belongs and eventually of other countries, in order to attend to the people and the environment in such a way that the consequences may be the least possible, and to avoid new disasters.
GOYET, C. de Ville et al. El terremoto de Guatemala: evaluación epidemiológica de las operaciones de socorro. Boletín de la Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana 81(3): 199-215, Sep. 1976.
LECHAT, Michel F. La epidemiología de los desastres. Trad. de Proceeding of the Royal Society of Medicine 69(6): 421-426, Jun-1976.
VELIMIROVIC, Boris. Evaluación del riesgo epidemiológico y estimación de riesgos en casos de desastres. Boletín de la Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana 83(2): 119-129, 1977.
OFICINA SANITARIA PANAMERICANA. Enfermedades transmisibles en situaciones de desastre. Preparación para casos de desastres en las Américas. 2:1-5, Jun. 1979.
FAJARDO ORTIZ, Guillermo. El Hospital en los desastres. Prensa Médica Mexicana 38(5-6): 175-177, May-Jun. 1973.
KROEGER, E.K. Disaster management in tropical countries. Tropical Doctor 6: 147-151, 1976.
PRIETO LORENZO, Antonio et al. Actuación sanitaria en desastres naturales. Un esquema de normas prácticas. Revista de Sanidad e Higiene Pública 50: 533-549, May-Jun. 1976.
ZAPATA DIAZ, Raúl. La ayuda internacional en casos de desastres naturales. Cuademos Médico-Sociales 15(3): 20-22, Sept. 1974.
SMITH, Anthony Oliver. Disaster rehabilitation and social change in yungay, Perú. Human Organization, 36(1): 5-13, 1977.
MOLES, T.M. Planning for major disasters. British Joumal of Anaesthesia 49: 643-649, 1977.
ZAPATA DIAZ, Raúl. La atención médica chilena en caso de catástrofe. Cuademos Médico-Sociales 15(1): 23-32, 1975.
COULT RIP, Raymond L. Medical aspects of US disaster relief operations in Nicaragua Military Medecine, p. 879-883, Nov. 1974.
LEGER, P.R. Environmental health guide for natural disaster. People to People Health Foundation Project Hope, 1973.
GETTING DISASTERS under control. Dimensions in. Health Service 54(8): 53-54, Aug. 1977.
GANDUÑO LOPEZ, Héctor. El plan nacional de auxilio en caso de desastre y su aplicación en la zona fronteriza México-Estados Unidos. Boletín de la Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana 67(3): 187-194, Sep. 1969.
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