Assessment methodologyof urban environmental noise in the city of MedellÌn


  • Mariela Ortega B
  • Juan Mario Cardona M Señor



Noise, sound contamination, noise control, traffic noise, Medellín (Colombia)


Objective: to develop a methodology to determine urban environmental noise level to which inhabitants of the city of Medellín are exposed to and to verify compliance with Colombian legislation on the matter.
Materials and methods: a descriptive two stages cross-sectional study was performed, collecting information in the first stage by surveying people’s perception about presence of urban noise. Levels of sonorous pressure were measured and compared with permissible limits during the second stage. Results: the developed methodology was tried out with a pilot test in La Candelaria Commune where 67% of the population reported annoyance caused by urban noise, 81% during day time; vehicle traffic was generally identified as the main source of emission. Noise measurements were carried out in 16 places of Prado district. Authors concluded that 94% of the evaluated places surpass the established permissible limits according to Colombian legislation. In addition it was detected that inside this district, considered as residential, there is a significant sector with the connotation of a tranquillity zone. Conclusion: this methodology allows to determine if a community is exposed or not to noise levels above the established Colombian norms, as well as to identify emission sources and validate the conformation of urban zones.
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Author Biography

Mariela Ortega B

Professor National Faculty of Public Health


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How to Cite

Ortega B M, Cardona M JM. Assessment methodologyof urban environmental noise in the city of MedellÌn. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2009 Feb. 2 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];23(2):1-8. Available from:


