Frequency of cardiovascular risk factors in patients with hypertension in a second level hospital


  • José W. Martinez Technological University of Pereira
  • Julián A. Villa P. Technological University of Pereira
  • Ana M. Quintero B. Technological University of Pereira
  • Johana Jaramillo A. Technological University of Pereira
  • Viviana Calderón F. Technological University of Pereira
  • Ángela V. Copete M. Technological University of Pereira



risk factors, hypertension, patient adherence


Objective: to determine the frequency of exposure to four cardiovascular risk factors in patients from a hypertension control program. This program belongs to a second level hospital located in Risaralda, Colombia. Methodology: a total of 133 patients from a hypertension control program were assessed. The Martin-Bayarre-Grau test (MBG test), the body mass index, and the blood pressure measurements were used as instruments for measuring adherence to treatment. Results: 80% of the patients were female. The average systolic and diastolic arterial pressure values were 141 and 86 mm Hg respectively. 74% of the patients exhibited overweight and obesity, and only 42.1% of the patients showed complete adherence to the antihypertensive therapy. Additionally, 100% of the patients had at least one of the assessed cardiovascular risks. Conclusions: high frequency of exposure to cardiovascular risks is an indicator of the lack of treatment adherence. An interdisciplinary team is needed to ensure that patients understand their disease and to develop strategies to improve adherence.

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Author Biographies

José W. Martinez, Technological University of Pereira

Doctor in epidemiology; professor of the medicine and surgery program, Department of Community Medicine, Technological University of Pereira, Pereira, Colombia.

Julián A. Villa P., Technological University of Pereira

Medical student; Technological University of Pereira, Pereira, Colombia.

Ana M. Quintero B., Technological University of Pereira

Medical student; Technological University of Pereira, Pereira, Colombia.

Johana Jaramillo A., Technological University of Pereira

Medical student; Technological University of Pereira, Pereira, Colombia.

Viviana Calderón F., Technological University of Pereira

Medical student; Technological University of Pereira, Pereira, Colombia.

Ángela V. Copete M., Technological University of Pereira

Student of the medicine and surgery program; Technological University of Pereira, Pereira, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Martinez JW, Villa P. JA, Quintero B. AM, Jaramillo A. J, Calderón F. V, Copete M. Ángela V. Frequency of cardiovascular risk factors in patients with hypertension in a second level hospital. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2011 Oct. 10 [cited 2025 Jan. 31];29(2):139-44. Available from:


