Psychopathology and complexity


  • Leonardo Y. Álvarez R. Autonomous University of Bucaramanga



complexity, chaos, contextualism, behaviourism, psychopathology


The paradigm of complexity states that reality conveys a chaotic dynamics, ambiguous, blurred, and paradoxical, and that it does not fulfill the values of order, harmony nor perfection. However, such a chaos represents a specific way of organization and order. Human behavior explained by this paradigm vindicates on this way the outstanding role of contradiction and irregularity aside of what is linear and predictable. The purpose of this review has the primary aim to describe some concepts and assumptions that give support to the approach to complexity in behavior, especially concerning the psychopathological behavior of an individual. Some comparisons with concepts associated to complexity in scientific approaches to psychology (contextual and paradigmatical behaviorism and interbehaviorism from its own persepctive) are stablished. All these elements are developed underlining the concepts of reciprocal multicausality, complex and hierarchical learning, historical and contextual factors in the comprehension of behavior, and trying to make some extrapolations on the psychopathological behavior. This approach is hence considered appropriate and necessary to understand gnosiological entities and to intervene them in their role of clinical challenges.

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Author Biography

Leonardo Y. Álvarez R., Autonomous University of Bucaramanga

Psychologist, specialist in Cognitive Development, Autonomous University of Bucaramanga. Teacher-researcher, Faculties of Psychology, Autonomous University of Bucaramanga (UNAB) and University of Santander (UDES). Bucaramanga, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Álvarez R. LY. Psychopathology and complexity. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2010 Oct. 4 [cited 2025 Feb. 24];28(2):169-73. Available from:



Topic review