Safety conditions of steam boilers in companies associated with a professional risk administration company in Antioquia, 2009
boiler, safety conditions, risk, explosionAbstract
Objective: to determine the safety conditions of steam boilers in companies associated with a professional risk administra-tion company in Antioquia, Colombia. To this end, their operation conditions shall be characterized, the associated risks identified, and their safety level assessed. Methodology: a descriptive crosssectional study was carried out in twenty companies whose production processes involve boilers. A survey on the conditions for operation was applied on both the maintenance managers and the boilers’ operators in each company. A hazard risk assessment matrix was made as in-structed in the GTC-45 Colombian technical guide, and an assessment instrument was applied to determine the safety level for each boiler. Results: 70% of the assessed boilers obtained a low score (less than 65 points) according to the scale, which has been validated by experts; the remaining boilers obtained an acceptable score (66 to 81 points). It was also found that 85% of the boilers had no operating instructions, and 60% of them did not have any kind of alarm. Conclusions: the stud-ied boilers had poor security conditions, mainly related to the absence of operation protocols, boiler operator training, and poor supervision by competent authorities.
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