Comparison of the effectiveness of psoralen plus ultraviolet A light (PUVA) and ultraviolet B narrow band (UVB-NB) in the treatment of psoriasis


  • Angela M. Londoño G. Pontifical Bolivarian University
  • Claudia E. Gaviria V. University CES
  • Maria A. Sánchez S. University CES
  • Jaime E. Ordóñez M. University CES



psoriasis, phototherapy, PUVA


Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease characterized by keratinocyte hyperproliferation in response to activation of the immune system. The management of this condition is varied, but the therapeutic options decrease as the severity increases, and we must resort to medications or therapies that bring more unwanted side effects. Phototherapy is part of the treatments used in severe forms, the first to be introduced was the use of psoralen plus ultraviolet A light (PUVA), but it is not entirely safe therapy that can cause cataracts or even skin cancer, which precludes their use in some patients. With the advent of light therapy narrow band ultraviolet B (UVB-NB) in 1997, it opened a new spectrum of treatment alternatives for these
patients, with similar characteristics in terms of effectiveness. By comparing these two types of therapies, the literature is not conclusive and leaves a host of questions about which of the two therapies is more effective. With the advent of new therapies, it is important to know the most effective, they are less expensive treatments compared with those who are coming to market.
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Author Biographies

Angela M. Londoño G., Pontifical Bolivarian University


Claudia E. Gaviria V., University CES

Second year dermatology resident

Maria A. Sánchez S., University CES

First Year Dermatology Resident

Jaime E. Ordóñez M., University CES

Research Coordinator of the Faculty of Medicine


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How to Cite

Londoño G. AM, Gaviria V. CE, Sánchez S. MA, Ordóñez M. JE. Comparison of the effectiveness of psoralen plus ultraviolet A light (PUVA) and ultraviolet B narrow band (UVB-NB) in the treatment of psoriasis. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2010 Feb. 15 [cited 2025 Jan. 31];27(3):1-7. Available from:



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