Knowledge networks in public health and the capacity for building up through collaborative strategies


  • Eliana Martínez University of Antioquia
  • Diego F. Franco University of Antioquia
  • Liliana Villa University of Antioquia



social management knowledge, scientific and academic cooperation, internationalization of knowledge


This paper presents the experience of a thematic network on public health in Colombia, which focuses its development and contributions to the field of research in policy and health systems. It is recognized in the work of this network the revival of knowledge from the interactions of social actors who share experiences, data, information, approaches, state of art and research methodologies and intervention as well as possibilities of systematization and measures generating political and public opinion in order to advance social transformation processes. The reflection on the construction of this type of endogenous capacities in the field leads to the necessary dimension of the challenges of increased national and global interaction. It builds networks of knowledge must advance and mature in the development of different forms of cooperation that allow them to experience greater international integration to improve performance and territorial impact. We conclude by interpreting how the internationalization of academic and scientific relations is the foundation of a perspective for the work of knowledge networks in a globalized world.
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Author Biographies

Eliana Martínez, University of Antioquia

dentist. Specialist in Public Health Management and Epidemiology

Diego F. Franco, University of Antioquia

Professor University of Antioquia. Economist Faculty of Human Sciences and Economics UNAL.

Liliana Villa, University of Antioquia

Field physician of the TB research consortium (GEPI Epidemiology and Immunology Research Groups GICIG UDEA). Specialist in Management of International Development Cooperation Programs and Projects


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How to Cite

Martínez E, Franco DF, Villa L. Knowledge networks in public health and the capacity for building up through collaborative strategies. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2010 Feb. 15 [cited 2025 Jan. 22];27(3):1-7. Available from:




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