Bio-social factors and perceptions of life with quality: a challenge to the adherence of h i v patients to the antirretroviral treatment


  • John Harold Estrada University of Antioquia
  • Adriana Gisela Martínez National university of Colombia
  • César Ernesto Abadía



adherence, antiretroviral therapy, life with quality, auto- and hetero-perception, mood


In spite that antirretroviral therapy has contributed to improve life quality among people living with HIV, adherence to the treatment still persists as a major obstacle for therapeutic success. In order to assess the biosocial factors that contributes to adherence to this therapy by people with HIV. In order to evaluate the bio-social aspects that facilitate or obstruct the adherence to the treatment, a qualitative study combining ethnographic research, a hermeneutic approach to narratives, and a situational analysis of life experiences of people living with HIV in Colombia. Two theoretical categories were applied throughout the study: Victoria Camps’ life with quality and Saussure’s auto-and hetero-perception. All of the ten people who took part in the study were male patients who were attending an integral oral health program. The main factors that obstruct the adherence to the therapy were the following: 1) the discourse of the medical team loaded with biomedical jargon; 2) the dosages and side effects of the medications used in Colombia; 3) negative attitudes linked to a poor self-image, a low social capital, and a low self-esteem; 4) expectations of a life with quality depending on the adhe-rence. Nevertheless, it was also found that those factors that contribute or impede adherence change rapidly and produce swinging in the person’s mood. This mood is here understood as a complex feeling concerning life with quality in constant change, both merging individual and social aspects implied in the experience of living with h i v. It is proposed that the mood of the people is a fundamental aspect of adherence, and provided it is constantly changing it represents a challenge for assessments and proposals that aim to improve adherence.
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Author Biographies

John Harold Estrada, University of Antioquia

Dentist, master's degree in community education, master's degree in public health, associate professor at the Department of Collective Health of the Faculty of Dentistry of the National University of Colombia

Adriana Gisela Martínez, National university of Colombia

Dentist, National University of Colombia, Master's student in public health,

César Ernesto Abadía

Dentist, doctor in medical anthropology, associate professor of the Department of Anthropology of the Faculty of Human Sciences of the National University of Colombia (Bogotá)


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How to Cite

Estrada JH, Martínez AG, Abadía CE. Bio-social factors and perceptions of life with quality: a challenge to the adherence of h i v patients to the antirretroviral treatment. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2009 Feb. 24 [cited 2025 Jan. 30];26(2):1-9. Available from:


