Separating mind and body: an approach to the thoughts and feelings of female university students/sexual workers


  • Martha C. Loaiza
  • Lina Y. Moreno
  • Eliana Zuluaga



female university students, sexual work, mind-body, qualitative research


This article takes into account the vision of female university students who are also sexual workers and the meaning that job has for them. Objective: to understand the meaning that sexual job has for female university students/sexual workers, what they think and feel about it. Methodology: qualitative research was the starting point using ethnographical techniques such as the interview, the field diary and documental revision. Results: the daily life of female university students/sexual workers goes around their family, university and work, where they separate mind from body as a mechanism of emotional protection to avoid sadness and deception.
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How to Cite

Loaiza MC, Moreno LY, Zuluaga E. Separating mind and body: an approach to the thoughts and feelings of female university students/sexual workers. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2008 Oct. 16 [cited 2025 Jan. 30];25(2):1-5. Available from:


