Equality and equity: necessary steps to build a healthier university
health promotion, equality, equity, healthy universityAbstract
The concept of health promotion emerged simultaneously with those of equality and equity. These concepts implied a change in the way in which the phenomena known as health and disease are explained, thus incorporating psychosocial and contextual perspectives. However, no critical reflection has been developed regarding how a healthy university should incorporate the perspectives of equality and equity in terms of health. Objectives: to describe the relationship between these concepts, identify the mechanisms that explain inequality, and propose steps to promote equity and equality at the university level. Methodology: a literature search using databases and reports recommended by experts (a total of 62 documents.). Results: we present definitions for the social determinants of health, equality, equity, and health promotion. We also review the evidence of social inequality and its impact on health in the university community. Likewise we discuss possible models explaining these inequalities and establish some possible steps to follow in order to reduce the differences in terms of health at the university level. Conclusions: a more equal and equitable university environment could contribute specifically to bring about a healthy life in its community. Achieving a university with a more egalitarian and equitable structure and culture is a challenging and complex task, but it will surely lead to success.
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