Psychosocial risk at work and mental illness in hospital workers


  • Elisa Ansoleaga M. Diego Portales University
  • Alvaro Castillo-Carniglia Ministry of the Interior and Public Security



psychosocial risk, psychotropic drugs, work


There is growing evidence on the association between exposure to psychosocial risk at work and adverse health outcomes. Objective: to describe and analyze the presence of psychosocial risks at work and mental health symptoms in non-clinical workers from a public hospital. Methods: a crosssectional study was conducted at a public hospital in Santiago (Chile). A self-administered questionnaire was applied to assess exposure to psychosocial risks (demand-control and effort-reward imbalance models). The outcome variables were depression symptoms, anxiety symptoms, and psychotropic drug consumption. The analysis was descriptive and associative (Fisher’s exact test) Results: 47% of the workers showed high psychological demands, 46% low autonomy, 61% low social support and 75% imbalance between effort expended and rewards received. The prevalence of depressive and anxious symptoms in the total sample was 10% and 30% respectively, while 25% reported having used psychotropic drugs. The consumption of psychotropic drugs was significantly higher (p < 0.05) among those with low social support and effort-reward imbalance. Discussion: the consumption of psychotropic drugs was associated with low social support and imbalance between efforts expended and rewards received. This might have implications in the workers’ health and performance; therefore, further research is required, particularly on this kind of population, to understand this relationship and thus develop prevention programs in this regard.

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Author Biographies

Elisa Ansoleaga M., Diego Portales University

Psychologist, Master in Management and Public Policies, University of Chile. PhD candidate in Public Health, University of Chile. Researcher, Work Psychosocial Studies Program, Faculty of Psychology, Diego Portales University, Santiago, Chile.

Alvaro Castillo-Carniglia, Ministry of the Interior and Public Security

Master in Nutrition and Food, University of Chile, candidate for a doctorate in Public Health, University of Chile. Head of the Evaluation and Studies Area, National Council for the Control of Narcotic Drugs, Ministry of the Interior and Public Security, Government of Chile.


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How to Cite

Ansoleaga M. E, Castillo-Carniglia A. Psychosocial risk at work and mental illness in hospital workers. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2012 Mar. 12 [cited 2025 Jan. 31];29(4):372-9. Available from:


