Construct validity of the Scale to Measure Adherence to functional Neurorehabilitation processes (SMAN) in adults
Validation Studies, Surveys and Questionnaires, Treatment Adherence and Compliance, Neurological RehabilitationAbstract
Objective: To determine the construct validity of the Scale to Measure Adherence to functional Neurorehabilitation processes (SMAN) in adults.
Methodology: Instrumental study, with a cross-sectional design, in which the confirmatory factor analysis method was used for an initial model of 5 factors and 20 items. The maximum likelihood method was used and univariate, and multivariate normality tests were performed. The hypothesized model was evaluated with absolute, incremental and parsimony adjustment measures. For the definitive model, reliability and convergent and discriminant validity were calculated through a correlation matrix.
Results: For the initial model (M0), the modification indices showed cross-loading related to constructs of “disability” and “patient”. Therefore, a theoretical review of instrument items was made, and two redundant items were eliminated, one in each factor. After model re-specification (M2), SMAN was constituted by 5 factors and 18 items.
Conclusion: SMAN has remarkable and reliable psychometric properties to measure adherence in populations with functional deficits associated with neurological conditions
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