Allergy to latex in health workers


  • Álvaro L. Fajardo-Zapata Andean Area University Foundation



dermatitis contact, gloves surgical, health personnel


Introduction: A common and growing problem in hospitals is hypersensitivity to rubber latex antigens, since many products, including gloves, are manufactured from this material, with the consequent possibility of producing allergy in persons who use them.

Objective: To find out if health workers at a fourth level clinic in Bogotá, Colombia, are allergic to rubber latex, in relation to the use of gloves.

Materials and methods: Descriptive, cross-sectional study of a non-probabilistic intentional-type sample in each one of four hospital units. A survey was applied to participants.

Results: 16 of the 26 persons (61.5%) with history of allergic processes manifested some kind of reaction when they had contact with latex gloves; the problem was more significant in the nursing personnel compared to physicians.

Conclusions: The exposure to latex gloves may be generating the appearance of allergic occupational disease in health workers.

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Author Biography

Álvaro L. Fajardo-Zapata, Andean Area University Foundation

Surgeon and Industrial Engineer. Master in Toxicology, Specialist in Occupational Health. Master's candidate in Public Health and Social Development. Associate Professor at the Andean Area University Foundation, Bogotá, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Fajardo-Zapata Álvaro L. Allergy to latex in health workers. Iatreia [Internet]. 2014 Dec. 29 [cited 2025 Jan. 22];28(1):17-23. Available from:



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