Factors associated with anosmia and ageusia in COVID-19 patients in a Peruvian province


  • Sergio Armando Dextre-Vílchez Universidad Peruana Los Andes https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4218-033X
  • Rocío Paola Vásquez-Mercado Universidad Peruana Los Andes
  • Jose Antony Espejo-Sinche Universidad Peruana Los Andes https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2841-1472
  • Frank Aldair Carhuallanqui-de la Cruz Universidad Peruana Los Andes




Ageusia , Anosmia , Coronavirus , COVID-19 , Smell , Taste


Objective: To identify the clinical presentation and factors associated with anosmia and ageusia in patients with COVID-19 in a health center in a province of Peru for the period 2020-2021.

Methods: Cross-sectional analytical study through data from the COVID-19 program of the Essalud Polyclinic in Jauja, Peru. Sociodemographic characteristics, symptoms and comorbidities of the patients were detailed. A bivariate analysis identified the factors associated with anosmia and ageusia.

Results: 356 patients were identified: 53.1 % were women, mean age was 48.7 years (±17.8) and 261 (73.3%) with mild COVID-19. Of the total, 22.2% had anosmia and 19.9% ageusia; of which the majority were under 65 and female. Associated symptoms were found in 86.1% of patients with anosmia and 83.1% with ageusia. The main factors associated with anosmia were age younger than 65 years (p=0.027), cough (p<0.001), headache (p<0.001), dyspnea (p<0.001), nasal congestion (p<0.001) and fever (p<0.001); and ageusia: age younger than 65 years (p=0.006), cough (p=0.001), headache (p<0.001), dyspnea (p<0.001), nasal congestion (p<0.001) and diarrhea (p<0.001).

Conclusion: Anosmia and ageusia are common symptoms of COVID-19. Most patients had these symptoms associated with common symptoms. Many of those who had anosmia had nasal congestion, so it is advisable to consider differentiating them when making the diagnosis.

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Author Biographies

Sergio Armando Dextre-Vílchez, Universidad Peruana Los Andes

Student, Faculty of Human Medicine, Universidad Peruana Los Andes, Huancayo, Peru

Rocío Paola Vásquez-Mercado, Universidad Peruana Los Andes

Student, Faculty of Human Medicine, Universidad Peruana Los Andes, Huancayo, Peru

Jose Antony Espejo-Sinche, Universidad Peruana Los Andes

Student, Faculty of Human Medicine, Universidad Peruana Los Andes, Huancayo, Peru

Frank Aldair Carhuallanqui-de la Cruz, Universidad Peruana Los Andes

Student, Faculty of Human Medicine, Universidad Peruana Los Andes, Huancayo, Peru


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How to Cite

Dextre-Vílchez SA, Vásquez-Mercado RP, Espejo-Sinche JA, Carhuallanqui-de la Cruz FA. Factors associated with anosmia and ageusia in COVID-19 patients in a Peruvian province. Iatreia [Internet]. 2022 Oct. 3 [cited 2025 Jan. 22];35(4):414-23. Available from: https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/iatreia/article/view/346608



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