Factors Associated with Polypharmacy in Older Adults from 12 High-Andean Communities in Peru, 2013-2017
Aged, Polypharmacy, Risk factorsAbstract
Introduction: Polypharmacy, defined as the simultaneous consumption of 3 or more medications, is a significant concern in older adults, particularly in communities with limited access to healthcare services and adverse living
conditions. This study focuses on vulnerable populations in high-Andean communities of Peru.
Objectives: To determine the factors associated with polypharmacy in older adults from 12 high-Andean communities in Peru.
Methods: This observational, descriptive, and cross-sectional study included a sample of 399 elderly individuals selected through census sampling with a minimum response rate of 95%. The "Frailty in Older Adults from the Peruvian Andes" questionnaire was utilized. Multivariate analysis was conducted using Chi-square test, Student's t-test, Mann-Whitney U test, and
regression analysis for independent groups.
Results: Of the participants, 58.7% (n=234) were women, and 32.8% exhibited polypharmacy. The variables most strongly associated with polypharmacy were retirement (CI 2.07 - 8.13), previous hospitalizations (CI 0.09 - 0.31), alcohol consumption (CI 2.04 - 6.28), tobacco use (CI 2.78 - 10.12), and hypertension (CI 1.14 - 4.68).
Conclusions: Polypharmacy in older adults is influenced by sociocultural and demographic factors such as retirement, alcohol and tobacco consumption, and hypertension. Altitude did not show a significant association with polypharmacy.
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