Quality of life in middle aged women varies with menopausal status


  • Álvaro De Jesús Monterrosa Castro Universidad de Cartagena
  • Ángel Paternina Caicedo Universidad de Cartagena
  • Ivette Romero Pérez Universidad de Cartagena




Quality of Life, Perimenopause, Postmenopause, Premenopause, Menopause


Objective: To determine, by means of the MRS scale (Menopause Rating Scale), the frequency and severity of menopausal symptoms in a group of healthy middle-aged, Colombian women.

Methods: A cross sectional study was carried out between November 2006 and January 2009. A survey form and the MRS were applied to 1.215 healthy women 40-59 years old, native and resident in different communities of the Colombian Caribbean coast, who were from African, indigenous or mestizo descent. According to their menopausal status they were divided into premenopausal, menopausal and postmenopausal.

Results: Joint and muscular discomfort, hot flashes, physical and mental exhaustion, and irritability were present in more than 60% of the whole group. The predominant symptom, however, differed according to the menopausal status: physical and mental exhaustion in premenopausal women (58.9%), joint and muscular discomfort in the perimenopausal ones (78.9%) and hot flashes during the postmenopause (83.2%). A gradual decline in the quality of life (QOL) was evident from premenopause through perimenopause to postmenopause. Deterioration in the QOL was found from premenopause to perimenopause in all items (with the exception of bladder problems). Decline was also observed from perimenopause to postmenopause centered on hot flashes, sex and bladder problems, vaginal dryness and joint and muscular discomfort. In contrast, the scores of heart discomfort, sleep disturbances, depressed mood, irritability, anxiety and physical and mental exhaustion decreased in the postmenopause although they remained higher than those of the premenopausal women.

Conclusions: Knowledge of the profile of climacteric symptoms and of their behavior through the menopausal statuses is the basis for preventive strategies and appropriate interventions that improve the quality of life of women.


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Author Biographies

Álvaro De Jesús Monterrosa Castro, Universidad de Cartagena

Médico ginecólogo. Profesor Titular, Jefe del Departamento de Investigaciones, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Cartagena, Colombia.

Ángel Paternina Caicedo, Universidad de Cartagena

Médico. Estudiante de la Maestría de Epidemiología Clínica. Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Cartagena, en convenio con la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. 

Ivette Romero Pérez, Universidad de Cartagena

Médica ginecóloga. Cali, Colombia. 



How to Cite

Monterrosa Castro Álvaro DJ, Paternina Caicedo Ángel, Romero Pérez I. Quality of life in middle aged women varies with menopausal status. Iatreia [Internet]. 2011 Mar. 13 [cited 2025 Feb. 2];24(2):pág. 136-145. Available from: https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/iatreia/article/view/9599



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