Self-perception of nurses’ competence in family assessment and intervention


  • Maria Henriqueta Figueiredo Escola Superior de Enfermagem do Porto
  • Maria Manuela Ferreira Escola Superior de Saúde Norte da Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa
  • Marlene Lebreiro da Silva Centros de Saúde Porto Ocidental
  • Virgínia Sousa Guedes Agrupamento de Centros de Saúde Tâmega I – Baixo-Tâmega



primary health care, nursing process, family nursing


Objective. To describe nurses’ self-perception of competence in family assessment and intervention

Methods. A sample of 551 Portuguese primary care nurses was selected. A Likert-type questionnaire with 11 items corresponding to the areas of care proposed by the Dynamic Model of Family Assessment and Intervention (MDAIF) was administered. Each item consists of 7 optional responses; a score equal to or greater than 4 denotes competence.

Results. The nurses perceived themselves as competent in areas of care belonging to the development dimension of the MDAIF (parental role, adaptation to pregnancy, and family planning), as well as in the caregiver role (which belongs to the functional dimension). There was a progressive decline in self-perception of competence over the stages of the nursing process.

Conclusion. In this study, crucial aspects related to nurses’ self-perception of their competence in family assessment and intervention were observed, and need to be addressed in the training of nurses in all areas of care included in the Model. This should facilitate awareness of the competences needed to provide the best care for families.

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Author Biographies

Maria Henriqueta Figueiredo, Escola Superior de Enfermagem do Porto

Nurse, Ph.D. Professor, Coordinator of Escola Superior de Enfermagem do Porto, Portugal. Email: Corresponding author. Center for Research in Healthcare Technologies and Services, Portugal.

Maria Manuela Ferreira, Escola Superior de Saúde Norte da Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa

Nurse, Ph.D. Adjunct Professor at Escola Superior de Saúde Norte da Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa. Email: Center for Research in Healthcare Technologies and Services, Portugal.

Marlene Lebreiro da Silva, Centros de Saúde Porto Ocidental

Family Nurse. Family Nurse at grupamento de Centros de Saúde Porto Ocidental, Portugal. Email: Center for Research in Healthcare Technologies and Services, Portugal.

Virgínia Sousa Guedes , Agrupamento de Centros de Saúde Tâmega I – Baixo-Tâmega

Nurse, Master's. Family Nurse at Agrupamento de Centros de Saúde Tâmega I – Baixo-Tâmega, Portugal. Center for Research in Healthcare Technologies and Services, Portugal.


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How to Cite

Figueiredo, M. H., Ferreira, M. M., da Silva, M. L., & Guedes , V. S. (2021). Self-perception of nurses’ competence in family assessment and intervention. Investigación Y Educación En Enfermería, 39(3).



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