Principles, Scope, and Limitations of the Methodological Triangulation


  • María Mercedes Arias Valencia Universidad de Antioquia



qualitative research, methodology, observation


This article sought to collect basic and relevant information about methodological triangulation and make a first approach to the principles underlying its use, potentiality and scope, advances and limitations, and some alternative proposals to surpass them. In that sense, it is an attempt to operationalize concepts and present the procedures to conduct it rigorously. In the first place, conceptual aspects and types of triangulation are presented, and in the second place, the principles, uses and difficulties. But, beyond what must be done, an approach is made to how to do it. The assumption underlying through the article is the complementarity among methods. It is emphasized in the principle through which the nature of objects must guide the selection of the methods and of the most effective techniques to approach and account for phenomena that are socially pertinent of being studied.

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2022-06-27 — Updated on 2023-09-20


How to Cite

Arias Valencia, M. M. (2023). Principles, Scope, and Limitations of the Methodological Triangulation. Investigación Y Educación En Enfermería, 40(2). (Original work published June 27, 2022)




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