JMat – Multiuser and remote calculation software tool for the problem based learning using Matlab


  • Bladimir Bacca Cortes University of Valle
  • Eduardo Caicedo University of Valle
  • José Ramírez University of Valle



JAVA, EJS, cliente / servidor, Matlab, remoto, multiusuario


JMat is a software calculation tool developed on JAVA and EJS (Easy Java Simulations), client/server-based, multiuser support and remote access to Matlab. The main goal of the calculation software tool is to offer to remote users an interaction with Matlab using its three interfaces: Command Console, where users executes Matlab text commands; Work Space and Plotting, where automatically the remote user variables are stored and plotted individually; Functions and File Transfer, where users functions can be created, and data can be send or receive to and from a server. JMat requires an Internet access, a PC server with Matlab installed, and a client (WEB browser or stand-alone application). It is not necessary a Matlab on client side. Actually, JMat is being used at Universidad of Valle in courses like Automatic Process Control, Intelligent Control, Artificial Neural Networks, Signal Processing and Digital Image Processing as a tool for problem-based learning through the University of Valle’s eLearning platform.

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Author Biographies

Bladimir Bacca Cortes, University of Valle

Research Group on Perception and Intelligent Systems, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.

Eduardo Caicedo, University of Valle

Research Group on Perception and Intelligent Systems, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.

José Ramírez, University of Valle

Industrial Control Research Group, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.


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How to Cite

Bacca Cortes, B., Caicedo, E., & Ramírez, J. (2012). JMat – Multiuser and remote calculation software tool for the problem based learning using Matlab. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (59), 158–168.