Three-dimensional reconstruction of superficial mechanical deformations in metallic plates, based on fringes projection


  • Diana Margarita Quintero Oliveros Industrial University of Santander
  • Rodolfo Villamizar Mejía Industrial University of Santander
  • Edward Yesith Mendoza Industrial University of Santander



three-dimensional reconstruction, fringe projection, phase shifting, nondestructive testing, phase unwrapping, continuous phase


This paper presents a methodology for three-dimensional reconstruction of deformed metallic surface plates, by using nondestructive techniques. Specifically, the fringe projection optic method and phase shifting algorithm were used for three-dimensional reconstruction of deformed surfaces with different color and texture. Based on this reconstruction and by using image digital processing, maximum depth, length and area of defect were measured. Resultant measurements were compared with those obtained by using manual elements. In the experiment, a resolution of 14 mm was obtained for an observation area of 12x10 cm2, which makes this approach appropriated for computing depth, diameter and area of defects present for example in oil pipes, and integrity parameters could be adequately computed by using a Nondestructive Testing (NDT).

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Author Biographies

Diana Margarita Quintero Oliveros, Industrial University of Santander

School of Electrical, Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering.

Rodolfo Villamizar Mejía, Industrial University of Santander

School of Electrical, Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering - CEMOS Research Group.

Edward Yesith Mendoza, Industrial University of Santander

School of Electrical, Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering.


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How to Cite

Quintero Oliveros, D. M., Villamizar Mejía, R., & Mendoza, E. Y. (2012). Three-dimensional reconstruction of superficial mechanical deformations in metallic plates, based on fringes projection. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (59), 169–180.

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