Robot programming using the paradigm of learning by demonstration


  • Sandra Nope University of Valle
  • Humberto Loaiza University of Valle
  • Eduardo Caicedo University of Valle



artifi cial vision, visuo-motor map, gesture imitation, robotic, learning by demonstration


This paper presents the appl ication of the paradigm of learning by demonstration for robot programming. Algorithms use bio-inspired techniques to extract relevant information accompanying the demonstrator’s action. A visuo-motor map relates visual inputs to motor commands necessary to imitate a behavior or a task. The system was evaluated qualitatively using a survey, and quantitatively by specifi c metrics to score the quality of the imitation of a group of four gestures. Thus, the learning by demonstration potential for robot programming is corroborated, since the system was able not only to make their own interpretations of the gestures to be taught, but to use the skills learned in conducting novel gestures.

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Author Biographies

Sandra Nope, University of Valle

Group on Perception and Intelligent Systems.

Humberto Loaiza, University of Valle

Group on Perception and Intelligent Systems.

Eduardo Caicedo, University of Valle

Group on Perception and Intelligent Systems.


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How to Cite

Nope, S., Loaiza, H., & Caicedo, E. (2013). Robot programming using the paradigm of learning by demonstration. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (58), 142–152.