Direct power control in grid-tied photovoltaic systems




grid-tied photovoltaic systems, power inverters, direct power control


This  paper  presents  an  analysis  about  the  use  of  the  direct  power  control  in grid-tied photovoltaic systems. This technique is used to directly regulate the  injection  of  instantaneous  active  and  reactive  power  to  the  three-phase  distribution  network,  avoiding  current  control  loops  used  by  traditional  control  strategies.  The  direct  power  control  performance  in  photovoltaic  systems  is  evaluated  by  PSIM  simulation,  which  shows  its  good  operation  for this kind of applications. Finally, a comparative analysis is made between this controller and a traditional technique used in photovoltaic systems called voltage oriented control.

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Author Biographies

María Alejandra Mantilla Villalobos, Industrial University of Santander

Researcher, Research Group on Electric Power Systems (GISEL). School of Electrical, Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering.

Johann Farith Petit Suárez, Industrial University of Santander

Research Group on Electrical Energy Systems (GISEL). School of Electrical, Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering.

Gabriel Ordóñez Plata, Industrial University of Santander

Research Group on Electrical Energy Systems (GISEL). School of Electrical, Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering.


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How to Cite

Mantilla Villalobos, M. A., Petit Suárez, J. F., & Ordóñez Plata, G. (2014). Direct power control in grid-tied photovoltaic systems. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (72), 47–60.