Design methodology applied to Photovoltaic System with Inductor Tapped Topology
inverter converter with tapped, MIC, photovoltaic systemAbstract
In order to transform DC in AC ready to be delivered to the electrical-grid, the concept of AC Module is typically applied; however, the use of this scheme, presented are some quality problems in the generation of energy, as, voltage gain low, high THD and low conversion efficiency. As a solution, a tapped-inductor topology is proposed to design an inverter into a Module Integrated Converter (MIC). The proposed converter and its control system are evaluated by simulations. The simulation results were verified using an 80 watts prototype, which is the maximum power rating for a single photovoltaic module, in the obtained experimental results can be appreciated that the prototype working in a real photovoltaic system: increases the voltage gain, increases the efficiency and reduces the harmonic distortion with respect to a traditional converter.
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