Analytical method for determining ethylenethiourea (etu) by-product of Mancozeb in Andisol of East Antioquia
Mancozeb, etilentiourea (ETU), chromatography of liquids (CL), andisolsAbstract
The Mancozeb (etilenbisditiocarbamato of zinc and manganese) is one of the fungicides of greater use in Colombia, and is classified in toxicological category IV. Ethylenethiourea (ETU) is the main product of degradation of the Mancozeb, classified in toxicological category I because of its carcinogenic and mutagenecity, which turns it a compound of high risk for people health. In the present work a method of analysis of the ETU was validated using the chromatography of liquids with diode array detector, which was used for the quantification of the ETU in soils of the municipality of Marinilla (East of Antioquia). The soil used in the analysis of the ETU was determined as an Acrudoxic mixed argillaceous medial Fulvudand, isomésico, these soils are used for agriculture in the Department of Antioquia and Colombia. The detection limit of analysis was 0,00046 mg/L, the limit of quantification was 0,0015 mg/L and the percent recovery in soil was 93%.
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