Hydrostatic pressure and magnetic field effects on the energy structure of D- ion confined in a toroidal quantum ring
quantum ring, energy spectrum, hydrostatic pressure, Wigner ́s crystal, ion D–Abstract
The energy structure of a ion, that is two electrons bound to a fixed donor impurity, imprisoned in a toroidal quantum ring is calculated as the full system is simultaneously under the presence of hydrostatic pressure probe and threading magnetic field. With the purpose of study the energy properties; we have assumed very narrow quantum rings which allow us to use the well-known adiabatic approximation in order to decouple the fast motion in radial and axial direction from the slow rotation motion. The changes of the energy level-ordering and the crossover among the curves as a function of center line radius, donor position, and magnetic field are calculated for different values of the hydrostatic pressure. Finally, we contrast the results with those previously reported for limit cases. From these comparisons it is possible to establish an excellent agreement among the different results which allow us to show the quality of the model implemented in the present work.
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