A system approach to analyze the productivity of a Colombian gold mining process
productivity, system dynamics, gold miningAbstract
Colombian gold mining is a complex system characterized by interactions between individuals, organizations and other variables, which are involved in the system behavior. The gold mining system integrates the exploration, extraction, dressing and commercialization processes. There are exogenous issues that affect the system performance and its productivity, and increase the complexity. These issues are of social, environmental, political, economical, technological and organizational types. In order to analyze this complexity, we develop a system dynamics model that allows characterizing the system and evaluating policies to improve productivity of a Colombian gold mining process. We simulate different scenarios of the model in which we can observe that sustainable investment policies increase the productivity of the gold mining system in Colombia. Increases of social capital promotion activities and physical infrastructure in the region of influence affect positively the multifactorial productivity of the Colombian gold mining process.
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