Parametric analysis of the ionic concentrations effects in the behavior of the sinoatrial node


  • Daniel Alfonso Sierra Universidad Industrial de Santander
  • Oscar Leonel Rueda Universidad Industrial de Santander
  • Carlos Rodrigo Correa Universidad Industrial de Santander



Ionic concentrations, modeling, action potentials, parametric sensitivity, response surfaces


A sensibility study on the effect of ionic concentrations in the behavior of the sinoatrial node was carried out. The study was based on the model proposed by H. Zhang, A. V. Holden and M.R. Boyett. It was simplified using concepts of experimental design. The study was developed on a set of eight characteristics that describe the action potential generated by the sinoatrial node, for both the central and peripheral cells. The sensibility analysis shows that the sodium and potassium ionic concentrations should be controlled to maintain the normal behavior of the node. On the other hand, the simulated changes in calcium concentrations do not produce significant effects on the node operation. Finally, a response surface model was developed as a simplification of the original model. This response surfaces simplified model may be used in the on-line estimation of the operation characteristics of the in vitro sinoatrial node. From the computational point of view, and using the simplification strategy described above, the processing model time was decreased as a 1 to 50 ratio.

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How to Cite

Sierra, D. A., Rueda, O. L., & Correa, C. R. (2013). Parametric analysis of the ionic concentrations effects in the behavior of the sinoatrial node. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (45), 54–66.