Design, construction and tests of an automatic prototype for composting
compost, automatic prototype, solid organic residuesAbstract
In this work the design, prototype construction and experimental validation of a composter is presented. The prototype performs the composting process of organic solid residues in an automatic form and the design is based on the treatment residues generated at home and on the composting proper process requirements to be carried out in a suitable way. This device has the property of processing, in a continuous way, 3 kg of solid organic residues per day. The residues introduced in the prototype remain inside for a 30-day period, time in which they are transformed into compost. The control of the prototype is achieved by a microcontroller, having the following functions; temperature control, air flow provision(aerobic decomposition), material stirringfor a uniform decomposition and material movement over the band (from the entrance up to the exit of the device) to achieve a continuous processing of the residues. The resulting tests provided a compost with a dun obscure color, without smells, and at room temperature. All of these conditions were indicators of a stable compost.
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