Evaluation of thermal stratification and its relation with the water quality in the wetland Cachimbero, municipality of Cimitarra, Santander, Colombia
Thermal stratification, Wetland, Water QualityAbstract
Solar radiation and its heat dissipation influence directly the thermal stratification of water bodies. In the wetland Cachimbero (Cimitarra, Colombia), the heat budget and existence of thermal stratification within the water body was studied; besides the influence exerted by this stratification on dissolved oxygen in water wetland was related. As a specific objective, an appropriate methodology to identify and to study of thermal stratification in dark water wetlands was applied. In order to attain this objective, eight sampling campaigns were carried out between December 2002 and November 2004 measuring water temperature profiles, room temperature, solar radiation based on meteorological information, water quality variables (dissolved oxygen, pH, redox potential, electrical conductivity, etc.). The water body can be classified like shallow, warm and polymictic lake. It displays recurrent deficit of dissolved oxygen in epilimnion and general anoxia in hypolimnion, and evolution temporary of the profiles follows the pattern general of the thermal profiles.
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