An empirical method for the estimation of yield strength on bonds and strands of expanded metal meshes
heat treatment, Vickers microhardness, yield strength, expanded metalAbstract
The manufacturing process of expanded metal meshes is based upon an in-line expansion of partially slit metal sheets, creating a pattern formed by strands and bonds. After this process, the mechanical properties of the base material change, especially in the bonds. Due to the size of strands and bonds it is difficult to quantify the amount of cold work that the base metal undergoes, hence the mechanical properties in the final meshes are difficult to predict. This paper presents an empirical method for the estimation of the yield strength on standard and flattened expanded metal, correlating Vickers microhardness with the yield strength using the Tabor’s relationship. In addition, the effect of various heat treatments on the yield strength of expanded metal was investigated. Results show that the yield strengths estimated through the Tabor’s equation are in good agreement with those obtained through standard mechanical testing, for various levels of cold work. In addition, it was found that the manufacturing process introduces some degree of heterogeneity and anisotropy in the material, and that long times of exposure to heat treatments are required to mitigate the effects of the cold work.
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