Approach to the determination of the impact of the wastewater unloads of the municipality of Ayapel, on the wetland waterquality


  • Diego Alejandro Chalarca-Rodríguez Universidad de Antioquia
  • Roberto Mejía-Ruiz Universidad de Antioquia
  • Néstor Jaime Aguirre-Ramírez Universidad de Antioquia



Domestic wastewaters, Ciénaga de Ayapel, water pollution


In the municipality of Ayapel, department of Cordoba, four field samplings were carried out in order to obtain representative information hour variations of the municipality wastewaters, as also of the water quality in the zone of influence of these waters in the wetland Ciénaga de Ayapel. In the sector where almost all sewage waters are spilled the main physical, chemical and microbiological variables of the domestic wastewater and of the wetland Ciénaga de Ayapel were determined. This was carried out in order to determine the possible impact of domestic wastewaters on the water quality of a sector of the wetland Ciénaga de Ayapel.

Results of the study allow to affirm that an impact of wastewaters on the wetland complex exists, nevertheless these waters affect mainly the environmental quality of the sites located near the municipality of Ayapel urban zone, mainly at the lowwater level seasons including the limnetic zone of the E0 sector.

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Author Biographies

Diego Alejandro Chalarca-Rodríguez, Universidad de Antioquia

Grupo de Investigación en Gestión y Modelación Ambiental

Roberto Mejía-Ruiz, Universidad de Antioquia

Grupo de Investigación en Gestión y Modelación Ambiental

Néstor Jaime Aguirre-Ramírez, Universidad de Antioquia

Grupo de Investigación en Gestión y Modelación Ambiental


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How to Cite

Chalarca-Rodríguez, D. A., Mejía-Ruiz, R., & Aguirre-Ramírez, N. J. (2014). Approach to the determination of the impact of the wastewater unloads of the municipality of Ayapel, on the wetland waterquality. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (40), 41–58.

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